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tv   KTVU Noon News  FOX  October 29, 2013 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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knew at noon -- crowds in -- now at noon, crowds in santa rosa getting ready to march in pretest over the death -- protest ever the death of a 13- year-old shot by police. police in the south bay say some gang-related crime is down by as much as 40% what they credit for the change. and a bay area apartment complex facing a lawsuit over child's play. good afternoon. i'm tori campbell. more than a hundred people are
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gathering right now in downtown santa rosa to protest the deadly shooting death of 13- year-old andy lopez. these are live pictures from newschopper2. ktvu's alex savidge is live on the ground with the growing crowdant the law enforcement re- - crowd and the law enforcement response there. >> reporter: good afternoon. this crowd is growing. there was a deep sense of anger many people in the community. we're in old courthouse square where people are beginning to gather. i should say the sonoma county sheriff today is saying that he's calling for help from neighboring agencies to make sure this protest doesn't get out of hand. he's particularly concerned about protesters outside of santa rosa. let me show you video here. occupy oakland is actually busing people up here for what is expected to be one of the largest demonstrations to date related to the shooting death of andy lopez and people will be getting on buses in oakland
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and coming up for the demonstration. the crowd will be marching over to the sheriff's department's main offices. one week after 13-year-old andy lopez was shot to death by a sonoma county sheriff's deputy, more than a thousand people are expected to march through the streets of santa rosa. many of them are students who are leaving class to make part. >> want the sheriff to be locked out. >> reporter: daniel aguilera got his parents' permission to leave his middle school. he played on the basketball team with andy and says he's heartbroken for the family. >> i feel very bad for them right now. crying. everything. it's hurtful. >> reporter: lopez was shot saven times by the sheriff -- seven times by the sheriff deputy identified by at erick gelhaus. investigators say the middle schooler was holding an ak-47 replica that turned out to be a bb gun. >> i think it's important to be here to get the justice for
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andy so the cops can get into jail and nothing like this ever haferps to a student again -- happens to a stunt again. >> i think think it's fair. >> reporter: pro-- i don't think it's fair. >> reporter: protesters are planning to march to the sheriff's department where barricades are set up. >> our hope and prayer is it's a peaceful event. as i've expressed last week, there were several events in sonoma county that were peaceful and respectful and we support that as part of the healing process. >> reporter: the sheriff will be meeting with leaders at the latino community in hopes of bringing divide between -- bridge ing a divide. on top of that, the fbi is conducting an inquiry of its own. as we bring you out here to a live picture, you can see that
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right now protesters in, in fact, are on the move. and again, we weren't expecting this demonstration to begin moving towards the sheriff's offices for another couple hours. this is one of two locations where people are gathering today. they are gathering here in downtown santa rosa and also at santa rosa junior college but they are expected to hold a large rally. that will happen at 3:00 this afternoon at the sheriff's offices. we also should point out that county offices here including the courthouse and city hall will be -- have just shut down in response to the protests. obviously through jot the afternoon -- throughout the afternoon, we'll be monitoring this and have reports for you. for now we're live in santa rosa, alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right. thank you, alex. more details now about the sheriff's deputy who shot and killed andy lopez. after the boy reportedly refused to drop his rifle. 48-year-old erick gelhaus is a 24-year veteran of the department. he was training another deputy tuesday night when he
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encountered lopez holding a gun that looked like an assault weapon. gelhaus shot lopez seven times. the trainee did not open fire. and here is a look at the replica ak-47 that lopez was carrying compared to a real one. sheriff's deputies displayed the two next to each other to show how realistic lopez's air soft gun appeared. for continuing coverage on the marches in santa rosa and the community outrage over the death of andy lopez, go to and look under our north bay tab. new at noon, the san jose police department says their gang suppression efforts are working. they have the numbers to prove it. janine de la vega just talked to a member of the police department and joins us live with the newly released statistics. good afternoon, janine. >> reporter: good afternoon, tori. i just got the numbers a few hours ago and gang related violent crime is down by 15%. now the department started a
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violence reduction plan over the summer because the city experienced a spike in crime and officers say their efforts are paying off. now, police say gang-related homicides went down by 43% from 2012 to 2013 during january through september. gang-related aggravated assaults decreased by 10% in the same same period. robberies connected with gangs dropped by 34% and simple gang- related assaults went down to 7%. police are attributing success to the plan which involves an increased police presence in the community. officers were re's signed to units. they worked with the task forbes and partnered -- task force and parer inned with the community -- partnered with the community. there was a lot of overtime involved. we asked the police spokeswoman how long the efforts can keep going. >> only time will tell.
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but for now it seems to be working. we'll have to see how long we can continue with the plan. we'll continually evaluate and take a look at what ure numbers are as far as -- our numbers are as far as staffing and how long we can do it. for now we seem to be doing pretty good. we've had some success with it. >> reporter: police released overall crime numbers which showed that homicide and property crimes are down slightly. the city has scheduled a city of gang forces so they can get feedback from the -- from the community on what concerns them. the next meeting is next monday at 6:00 p.m. at the south side community center. the information will help the task force develop a long-term strategic plan. reporting live from san jose, janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. the woman accused of hitting and killing a couple in menlo park while driving drunk is expected to be in court. according to the district attorney, marjorie reitzell had
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a blood alcohol level of .08 -- well above the level of .08. her brother says she does not remember a thing and has been on a downward spiral since their mother dieed. >> she's having an emotional breakdown. she's not healthy medically, emotionally. >> court records show she's had dozens of brushes with the law dating back to 1984. in marin county, deliberations get underway in the trial of an 18-year-old charged with attempted murder and stealing celebrity chef guy fieri's lamborghini. prosecutors say max wade stole a car to reject a girl and when she rejected him he fired shots at her and her boyfriend. yesterday, the chef testified that he never gave wade permission to take the vehicle and has decided to get rid of
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the luxury sports car. protesters are gathering to gate ready for a rally to close the city's parks overnight. ktvu's cameras were in delores park this morning as protesters camped outovernight. they are angry over wiener -- scott wiener proposing to close the mark between 11:00 and 5:00 a.m. stl. >> we're here stand standing in solidarity with homeless san franciscans who oftentimes have no other place but our parks to sleep. >> protesters will be going into today's board meeting hoping to sway some of the supervisors who they say are on the fence. ed lee and city officials held this ribbon cutting ceremony for the new 100-unit affordable housing project in
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the city's western edition neighborhood. the complex officially opened a few months ago. it was named after mary helen rogers, community activist. burlingame police are asking for the public's help to find a missing man. family members say 79-year-old scottie morris was last seen yesterday morning leaving his home on ralston avenue. his wife says she believes he went for a walk on lur lirng game avenue several blocks from the home. morris was wearing a light sweatshirt and black sweatpants. the u.s. department of justice has filed a lawsuit against the owners of a fremont apartment complex. the suit claims the woodland garden apartments on bell street discriminates against families with children. the justice department said they decided to sue after receiving complaints from five families who live there. they say management does not allow kids to play on common grass areas of the complex. federal officials say families with children should have the
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same ability as other tenants to enjoy themselves. >> they say the complex is violating the fair housing act. >> we spoke to a neighbor who says he would be upset if his complex had that policy. >> sounds very strange. i think all of the apartments have been very kid friendly. we stay in the one next door and our kids play outside all of the time. i don't know where this is coming from. >> the complex is reportedly concerned about landscaping being damaged. sea far no response from the owners. arson investigators are looking into an early-morning house fire in oakland. it began after 2:00 a.m -- 2:00 a.m. on linden street. firefighters responded to reports of smoke coming from the big. they got the fire under control in about ten minutes. one person was displaced. no injuries were reported. a big apology from the woman in charge of creating the
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troubled obamacare website. we are already seeing similar conditions as yesterday. but ktvu's rosemary orozco will be here with the changes you could see by the end of the week. and home run king barry bonds making another request regarding his obstruction of justice conviction. [son] all right,she has no idea.
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[man] no one told her,right? [son]hi! [mom screams]
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happening now -- another check on our top story in santa rosa, the protest is growing against the officer-involved shooting of 13-year-old andy lopez. these are live pictures from newschopper2. demonstrators are marching from courthouse square to the sheriff's department. they feel that deputy erick gelhaus was too quick to pull the trigger on lopez one week ago. the boy was holding a bb gun that looked like an ak-47 when he was shot and killed last week. we'll have an update on the protest in our later newscasts. a meeting is scheduled for today to address the moraga orinda district's growing problems. the district failed to put more than $2 million in general fund reserves according to an audit. that money was supposed to be used to repay the district's debt. earlier this month, officials cut daily staffing from 19 to 17.
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that move is expected to save $550,000 this fiscal year. the meeting is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. meanwhile, in san francisco, 15 firefighters have been awarded $3.7 million over claims of age discrimination. yesterday, a jury found the san francisco fire department guilty of tampering with promotions exams. current and former firefighters claim a 2008 lieutenant's exam was doctored after the initial scoring process and they were denied promotions. and the majority of the jury agreed. >> kind of validates everything that we always thought. this is the group that said, hey, wait a minute. this isn't right. >> the city attorney's office says it disagrees with the verdict and maintains there's no age discrimination within the fire department. administrators have not said how the ruling would effect future exams. the woman in charge of creating health is
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issuing an apology. the website was the focus of a house committee hearing this morning. ktvu's kyla campbell joins us from washington with details on testimony and what one bay area lawmaker had to say. kyla? >> reporter: tori, maryland tavner is the administrator for the medicare and medicaid services. that department was responsible for creating and today she apologized for the website not working as well as it should. >> this initial experience has not lived up to our expectations or the expectations of the american people. it's not acceptable. >> reporter: she said cms testified the entire -- tested the entire site before it was launched. she said there was no signs of trouble. she testified they were working on a compressed time frame but officials did not delay the launch. mike thompson said he's heard from ston stitch wents who haz heard healthcare policies are
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changed under obamacare and they are -- they are not happy. >> we've had about 125,000 applications that have been submitted. about 2 million unique visits to the website and about 150,000 calls daily to covered california. >> reporter: today's hearing sets the stage for an even higher profile won tomorrow. kathleen sebelius will testify before a house committee tomorrow morning -- tomorrow morning. back to you. >> thank you. and meanwhile, up to 14 million americans who buy their health insurance individually will have their policies canceled within the year. this is according to a report from nbc news. the plans will be canceled because they don't meet the standards laid out by the new law. reportedly, the obama administration has known about this for the past three years. the white house says in most cases those with canceled policies will be automatically
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shifted to plans with better protections. and here in california, the director of the state health program says he plans to reveal enrollment numbers in mid- november. peter lee says once the figures are posted, they will be very detailed broken down by city, age of enrollees and which kind of plans they have selected. barry bonds is, again, trying to get his obstruction of justice conviction overturned. yesterday, the home run leader's legal team filed a question with the circuit court of appeals in san francisco to reconsider the refusal to overturn his conviction. last month, the three-judge panel upheld the conviction linked to the balco steroids scandallal. they are -- scandal. they are asking for an 11-judge panel to reconsider the case. partly to mostly cloudy and cool temperatures in store for your afternoon. giving you a look outdoors,
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partly sunny skies in san francisco and the bay. we're looking at mostly sunny skies in some areas around livermore into parts of the north bay. let's take a look at those numbers. very similar to how we were yesterday at this hour. 58 santa rosa. 58 in napa. 59 for oakland. 60 degrees sfo, low 60s san francisco. and 62 degrees in livermore. i think for the second half of the day, our temperatures will pretty much round out right about where we had yesterday as well. taking a look at the grand scheme of things. this is the system that continues to bring snowshowers to the sierra. although it's beginning to taper off. here at home, earlier this morning, we had light showers fall over the santa cruz mountains. morgan hill, gilroy. this is pretty much stuck to the south at least the scattered showers. napa reported a few 100ths at the airport. most of us have remained dry with a mix of sun and clouds and cool temperatures. for the evening hours, we get back to the frost advisory.
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we'll have that again tonight from 1:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. it includes the mountains of our north county area from marin into sonoma. you can see for the hills east of napa we'll have the frost advisory. it lasts until about 9:00 tom morning. here and now for the afternoon, 461 for sausalito. low -- 61 for sausalito. partly cloudy skies for the second half of your afternoon. lower 60s along the east shoreline. 66 in livermore. again, these temperatures a near repeat of what we had yesterday. 64 san jose. 64 for cupertino. it's a foggy day at santa cruz and 64 is what you can expect for the second half. 62 san mateo, 60 degrees for san francisco. upper 50s cool conditions with partly to mostly cloudy skies along the coast. your extended forecast here, temperatures do begin to warm in fact wednesday through friday, temperatures will get
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back to some mild weather for our inland dmurnties. upper 60s to near 70 for the bay area -- communities. upper 60s to near 70s for the bay area. halloween looks good. but your little ones may need a jacket for the evening hours. but we'll remain dry. the temperatures will be cooling back, especially on sunday. we have the slight possibility of showers coming our way, but it looks like that may fizzle out. >> and the clocks go back this weekend. >> yes. santa cruz will be cracking down on halloween partiers. they will be looking for people who cause vandalisms and drunk driving. fine an -- an unofficial costume parade is expected halloween night. officers are expected to patrol the festivities downtown. yahoo!'s ceo, ma marissa
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mayor bought a funeral home. and more efforts for the warriors to build a water front arena in san francisco.
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stocks are higher as the federal reserve begins a two- day meeting where policymakers are expected to extend a program. the dow is up 88. the nasdaq is up 5. s&p up 6. an interesting purchase by
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yahoo!'s ceo marissa mayer s she bought palo alto's oldest funeral home. it's on 1.16 acres on middlefield road and add dpi son. it's a -- addison road. the funeral home's office managers says she believes the site will be used for residential purposes. no word how much she paid for the home. the price tag for build a new arena for the warriors has increased. the cost could cost as much as $170 million. that's $70 million more than originally thought. the team is shrinking a time frame to get it build in time for the season when their lease
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runs out. they open up their season tomorrow in oakland. today on the news at 5:00, our coverage continues on the rally going on right now in santa rosa. these are live pictures from newschopper2 as outraged grows over the killing of a 13-year- old boy by a sheriff's deputy. and we'll keep monitoring the situation and bringing the latest at 5:00. thank you for making ktvu your choice for news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. we're always here for you at and you can follow us on twitter and facebook.
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in the caribbean. full of adventure. all: this is awesome! that's me, elizabeth. and today my friends, taylor gray, jennifer veal and rob pinkston join me in the bahamas for some incredible island adventures. we'll go trolling for seafood... who's gonna handle this if we get a bite? not me. you. not me. you. and walk on the wild side. when you touch it he's kind of slimy. i haven't fed him yet 'cause i don't know how i feel about that. but, letting rob do all the feeding... he's a scavenger. it is coming close to me. (chuckling) then explore a historical fort. this is amazing. jennifer: yeah, it's really cool. elizabeth: and later, crack the whip. (laughing) all this and so much more.


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